Our Work Ethic
We work hard to provide quality and durable products to assist you in creating your ideal home environment while using your wood burning stove or wood burning stove insert.
Tell Us Your Story
Let’s chat about what you’re looking to build to see if our products, such as the Draw Collar or Thermal Fan, are a good fit for your project.
Our Solutions
Are you struggling to get a fire to stay lit in your wood burning stove? Do you have backdraft problems that fill your room with smoke? Are you worried about carbon monoxide from your wood stove?
We can help solve any pain points you may have with your wood burning stove or wood burning stove insert to achieve your goals of efficiently and safely heating your home.
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Our History
John LaMunyon, III invented the Draw Collar because he was often frustrated when trying to light a fire in wood burning stove.
After trying all of the age-old tricks to increase draw (lit newspaper up the flue, hair dryer, and a torch), he determined that there must be an easier way. His focus? Finding a way to pre-heat the stove pipe.
With 20 years of experience in the hearth industry, he knows and understands the desire for the simple sustainability of burning wood. He also understands and has developed a solution for eliminating smoke filled rooms.
While there are other products on the market that claim to solve wood stove backdrafting, experience and feedback show those products rarely work. Many are prone to breaking due to their complex design.
The Draw Collar was introduced at the HPBExpo in March of 2009 and was awarded the prestigious VESTA award due to its simple and effective design.
The Draw Collar has gone through extensive testing and certifications to prove it’s a simple, efficient and durable product. You can feel confident in the quality and safety of our products.